To the best of our knowledge, all images included in the BASIRA database are free of copyright in the United States as they faithfully represent works of art which are in the public domain. Many images have been gathered from collections which expressly provide for Open Access or Creative Commons re-use. The remainder are photographs made by members of the BASIRA team during extensive travels throughout Europe and North America. The relevant rights statement, photographer name and image source are provided, when known, below the overall artwork image. Should you have any concerns about the use of images of artworks for this non-commercial scientific project, please feel free to contact us directly at
The BASIRA database is entirely open access. The database is freely available for browsing and searching to anyone with internet access. Images serve as references and are not intended to be of archival or publication quality. To assure data integrity, changes to the images and data can only be made by project team members. However, feel free to contact us with corrections, refinements, or comments.