“Text-in-Image in Early Modernity”: BASIRA Call for Papers for RSA 2025 conference, due Aug. 8th 2024

The BASIRA Project has issued a call for papers for the Renaissance Society of America annual conference in Boston, March 20–22, 2025. Text-in-Image in Early Modernity Much recent scholarship has focused on the myriad interdependencies of text and image in the early modern period, while generally upholding distinct medial boundaries for each. However, rather less attention has been paid to texts that exist as elements … Continue reading “Text-in-Image in Early Modernity”: BASIRA Call for Papers for RSA 2025 conference, due Aug. 8th 2024

BASIRA reaches milestone with 2,000 Document Records

On 10 June 2024, the BASIRA (Books as Symbols in Renaissance Art) Project crossed an important threshold by publishing its 2,000th Document Record. This growth represents an increase of 25% from the records available upon the initial public launch of the database in November 2023. Throughout the remainder of the year, the BASIRA Project team plans to expand the total number of published records by … Continue reading BASIRA reaches milestone with 2,000 Document Records

Spreading the Word (and Image): BASIRA on the Road in Spring 2024

It has been a busy spring for the BASIRA team, as we work to publicize the database, demonstrate exciting new research discoveries, and build a robust user base. On one remarkable day in March 2024, Nicholas Herman gave an online tour of the BASIRA search interface to about 60 participants via Zoom as part of the Schoenberg Institute for Manuscript Studies’ Online Lecture program, while … Continue reading Spreading the Word (and Image): BASIRA on the Road in Spring 2024

Review of “Penned and Painted: The Art & Meaning of Books in Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts”

Read this book review published online in The Medieval Review, written by BASIRA Co-Director Nicholas Herman. Lucy Sandler, Penned and Painted: The Art & Meaning of Books in Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts (London): British Library Publishing, 2022. Pp. 176. £25.00 (hardback). ISBN: 978-0-7123-5436-3 (hardback). Continue reading Review of “Penned and Painted: The Art & Meaning of Books in Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts”

Investigating the Image of the Book: BASIRA launches at the 2023 Schoenberg Symposium

November marked the launch of a compelling new digital resource hosted by the Schoenberg Institute for Manuscript Studies and the Penn Libraries. BASIRA, the Books as Symbols in Renaissance Art project (https://basira.library.upenn.edu), is a new, open-access online database of representations of books and other textual documents in the figurative arts between approximately 1300 and 1600 CE. With the launch of the new database portal, users … Continue reading Investigating the Image of the Book: BASIRA launches at the 2023 Schoenberg Symposium

Save the Date: BASIRA launches at the 2023 Schoenberg Symposium, November 16–18 2023

We’re delighted to announce that the BASIRA public search interface will officially launch at this year’s Schoenberg Symposium for Manuscript Studies in the Digital Age, which will be held November 16–18 2023 at the University of Pennsylvania and the Free Library of Philadelphia. Now in its sixteenth year, the Schoenberg Symposium is an open, free-to-the-public event that gathers scholars, students, and interested members of the … Continue reading Save the Date: BASIRA launches at the 2023 Schoenberg Symposium, November 16–18 2023

Appreciating Connections

As the BASIRA team continues adding works of art to the database, it’s often essential that we closely examine tiny details of the images. When an artist portrays even a fragment of text legibly, we can find rewarding connections. A recent entry led us to other digital humanities endeavors in almost startling ways. Thanks to extensive work by scholars from the University of Waterloo and … Continue reading Appreciating Connections

Coming attractions! a preview of our new Content Management System

The BASIRA Project team has been working on the re-designed Content Management system for the past two years. Along with our collaborator, Performant Software, we’re very happy to be able to post these samples from our new interface — a web-based resource that supports access with any web browser. Configuration lists for artists, repositories, and places are shared by records across the entire system. Likewise, … Continue reading Coming attractions! a preview of our new Content Management System